Sunday, November 8, 2009

Close Your Mind or Open Your Eyes

Ideals, morals, and beliefs haev changed drastically over the last few decades. Politics, fear, and loud voices have all played major parts in the change. I've noticed how desperately people want others to accept and believe the way they do. Often when people choose not to accept beliefs or ideals they are tagged as "closed minded" beings. This phrase is as common within idealistic arguments as cheeseburgers at McDonalds. I've been in or near these arguments several times within my life. The most common argument deals with marriage ... can it be between two men/women? Usually the argument starts with one side who believes in traditional marriage and one who believes in same-sex marriage. Both sides start by explaining their views and perspectives. In my last argument it ended by the poignant phrase, "you are close minded". My rebuttal is usually short; no. Over the last week I've thought about that small phrase that seems to paralyze people and causes people to walk on egg shells.

To me, closed minded people are those who refuse to even consider another person's views. They are those who out of fear or sheer ignorance close their eyes, minds, or ears. They lack any sort of consideration of the topic or person. In contrast an open minded person is one who considers other views and perspectives. They are those who ponder and search for their own views and feelings on the given subject. They are those who do not fear the possibility of change in views or simply being wrong on the subject.

I believe a lot of confusion comes when people tag open minded people as close minded people. Just because people don't believe or feel the way you do does not make them a close minded person. If that were the case everyone would have to believe everything. If a person does not accept your beliefs but have considered and thoughtfully pondered their position, they remain open minded. They opened their mind to your beliefs and chose not to accept them as their own. Open your mind don't close your eyes, open your eyes don't close your mind.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I believe the same as you. When a person is threatened or wants you to believe what they believe, they attack or try to shame you. It's realizing that that makes the difference!
