I drove home last night from a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. On my way home I passed by Toys-R-US at about midnight. I was shocked to see a line made up of atleast 1500 individuals. The line sSanned the fronts of atleast six stores; each store front being atleast 30ft wide. As I drove by I wondered, "why are we so fixated on material goods in this society?" We place so much value on material goods.
In the grand scheme of things we should be placing the largest values on eachother. It's possible that we buy material goods to show the value we give to eachother. However, I believe it easy to get lost in the fantasy of material goods. Robberies, fights, lies, and heartaches result from the want of material items. We become convinced of our need* for certain items, when in reality we can get by with very little.
Using materials to define ourselves can lead to unproductive roads. We spend so much time, effort, and money on building our entertainment centers or closet wardrobes. What does this profit us? I beleive our focus has shifted in this generation. Rather than building a weatlh of goods we should be building wealth in character. In our day we buy expensive clothes that supposedly define us to others. Jeans may say, "I'm wealthy" or "I'm trendy" or even "I'm rebellious". Is this what we really want, our clothes defining us rather than our actions? It's time we got back to the basics in life.
I'm guilty of wanting to live comfortably in life. I won't lie, there are a lot of things I want. These things should however, not be the driving force of our motivation in life. Is it worth it to work hard your whole life to have your dream house or dream car? We die and that dream item stays. Yes, work hard for that home or car but let your relationships with others be your driving force behind your motivation. I believe now is the time to start building characters and strong relationships with eachother.
You should read my blog on Behavior vs. Attributes