Adults can be so childish sometimes. They literally act like they are ten sometimes. I work in a restaurant and come in contact with "kid-adults" on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong I think every adult should recognize and keep a child-like sense to them, but lose the immaturity ... please! The other day I served an older couple everything seemed normal until they started order (with a real sense of entitlement). I don't mind bending over backwards for people but sometimes, something’s, can't be done. This is when the tantrum begins. You know the one a child throws when you say no to them ... yah that one. Now, I don't want to blanket an entire age population but it does extend to a lot more adults than believed.
As I have seen this behavior I have had certain thoughts and questions surface. First thought: Just because a human age extraverted does not mean they age introverted. Sure, we've got Grandpa Jack's and Grandma Betty's all around the world bungee jumping off insane bridges; that's not what I mean. I'm talking about those adults who receive rules or restrictions and throw hissy fits. I'm talking about those adults who don't listen or don't look to see. The one's who think, "I'm an adult I don't answer to anyone ... behavioral learning is for children who don't know better"; false. You, yes you, still have a lot of behavioral learning left; we all do. Second thought which is more of a question: When does a child become an adult regardless of age? Is it when we move out, or when we get married, or when we turn 18? Of course, you're right, every person changes at their own time and pace, but how do we know? I mean, if every person naturally changed behaviorally into an adult why am I writing this blog? I'm writing this because some people don’t' change! Their switch doesn't flip, their bulb isn't screwed in, and they can't see. Third thought and plead: Become a child but "put away childish things". We do not need to take ourselves seriously all the time. We do need to remember what it is like being a child. Let us let go of our childish selves who won't allow us to change into an adult. Adult’s who grow up but stay child-like at heart.
I agree, some adults can be so childish and we have to put up with them :) But who is learning the lesson, you or them? you - and becoming a better and more insightful person and they are just staying like a child. But I agree, it sucks to serve a childish person especially when they don't even know that's how they are acting.